April 2024 - Comicsdabansa Wayama Yama Interview

Translation by nag2n on Twitter. Original translation post can be found here. Translated from this article.

Q. In Fa!, there's a scene where Satomi eats a huge 1kg portion of rice. Is he a big eater? If he were to eat as much as he wanted, how much would he spend on food every month?
A. He has the potential to be, but since he's currently saving up, he can't eat until he's satisfied. His food expenses are approximately 20,000 yen a month, or around 500 yen per day.

Q. Is there a particular reason behind why Satomi decided to go to Tokyo to study law?
A. His parents recommended it. He also found it difficult to continue to stay in Osaka for some reason and wanted an escape.

Q. What do Kyouji and Satomi think their own strengths and weaknesses are?
A. Satomi doesn't think he has any particular strengths; as for weaknesses, he doesn't think he's good at enjoying the vibes. Kyouji thinks the way he can still blindly and recklessly do things is his strength; as for weaknesses, the fact that he has a criminal record.

Q. If Kyouji and Satomi had met as middle school classmates, do you think they would've become friends?
A. I don't think so.

Q. I'm worried about the reason behind why a 20 year old Kyouji was living at a woman's house. Was his family life not peaceful? Or did he decide to go independent after becoming an adult?
A. Kyouji had been dating a ~20 year old woman back when he was in high school and found himself moving in with her.

Q. What was Kyouji's family's reaction to him joining the yakuza?
A. His family got the feeling that he'd joined the yakuza. That said, they didn't confront him about it.